Early on in my spiritual journey I thought I could only connect with God if I was doing well, obeying perfectly and generally feeling good; my perspective was one sided, boxed in, and limited. As time has gone on I have opened and grown to discover the Divine love and acceptance of God in all of life, including and, especially in failure, fear, trial, as well as my own personal journey through autoimmune struggles.
These times in life of failure, fear, frustration, confusion, and desolation can actually be doorways into new and mysterious paths of connecting with God. This mysterious way has treasures to reveal to us, even if those treasures are new personal perspectives on self limiting ways we are unfree. Ultimately, the Holy one desires to offer us a thriving and deep life of discovery, adventure, fullness, wellbeing, and divine connection. We are each uniquely crafted and have our own journeys of discovery.
I have been amazed along my sacred journey, as I am open and aware of divine presence, how God has provided guidance, provision, companions and deeper spiritual connection. Perhaps next time you find yourself failing and frustrated, pause and shift perspectives from negative self talk, discouragement and doubt and sink into divine love and acceptance in the moment, realizing this moment is a gateway or door of divine mysterious discovery and connection.
If this resonates with you and you are seeking a sacred companion and guide for your journey, I would be honored to meet with you in person or virtually, deeply listen to your story, and accompany you on your adventure of a lifetime.
Carol Mullen
Sacred Journey Companion
Soul's Sanctuary
Contact for a free 30-minute zoom discovery session: beingwiththe1@gmail.com
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