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Discovering The Sacred Ordinary Today #sacredspace#spiritualdirection#contemplative#presence

Carol Mullen

Updated: Jun 3, 2024

During these days of spending more time at home and in isolation I am surprisingly discovering new sacredness in everyday ordinary life. This is slowly developing gratitude for simple pleasures and even appreciation of, what in the past, I would either ignore or even be frustrated in doing. As I am becoming more mindful during my ordinary, some would say boring, days I am sensing more deeply God's glory, presence, and grace available to me as I cook, clean, eat, do laundry, walk, talk, sit, and breath. I am actually experiencing delight and wonder infusing my days. This all reminds me of one of my favorite books, "Practicing the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence where he experiences God amongst the pots and pans.

I am currently, slowly and contemplatively, reading a book that one of my directee's is going through called "Moments to Remember, Ignatian Wisdom on Aging," by Carol Ann Smith and Eugene F. Mertz. The reflection I engaged in today coincides with the sacred ordinary, the title of this section is: (Embracing the Ordinary as my Place in the World). I thought I would share several quotes and reflection questions for you to engage in from the book. I would love to dialogue with you or simply hear the gifts you receive from what I share.

"In what is ordinary for us in our daily context, there is always the choice to allow God to act within the experience or to resist the divine impulse....Our growing desire to be aware of God's presence and action may reveal the marvel and wonder buried in the simplest person, experience and event. Flowers delight by their beauty in a new way; birds do more than just wake us in the morning; sunsets captivate us."

Questions to ponder:

What ordinary things give you pleasure now?

Recall a recent experience that brought laughter and joy to your heart. Does laughter come more easily to you?

What part of your daily routine seems especially filled with God's presence?

Much of the sacred space of spiritual direction conversations with my directees are focused on assisting them to recognize Gods presence in the midst of their everyday lives. As we share this time together we gather rich treasures amongst the ordinary and even amidst the questions, confusion and life frustrations.

My prayer for you is to discover the divine today and everyday.

Isaiah 6:3 "And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory."

Soul's Sanctuary Coaching & Spiritual Direction

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