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Just Scratching the Surface: Superficial Spirituality or an Invitation into Depth?

Have there been moments or perhaps seasons of your life that you realized you were just coasting along or simply scratching the surface of your journey? Maybe you had an aha moment, found yourself stuck in the same old patterns, or you had a transformative experience that seemed to invite you into the MORE of your spiritual journey.

This invitation into the MORE may show up in your life as a longing for deep spiritual connection, purpose, and transformation. The Spirit may also be stirring within you a dissatisfaction with a surface level, superficial life. These are just a few ways you may experience a call toward the MORE. The call or invitation can sometimes be subtle and more urgent matters in life quickly drown out the subtle call. Fear of the unknown and lack of spiritual guidance and support could also keep you stuck.

Throughout your spiritual journey there are usually many invitations from God into deeper levels of Union in the Spirit. The challenge is in tuning in and recognizing these subtle invitations. Sometimes the invitations are not so subtle.

So often on our journeys, this spiritual call is inviting us into greater interior freedom and will require times of silence, solitude, prayer, reflection, and spiritual direction/support. In my personal spiritual journey there came a time when I recognized, that in order for me to grow spiritually, I would need to seek out a spiritual director/companion. I was receiving a call for MORE than what I had known. As a matter of fact, I was receiving an invitation to be deeply known, understood, seen and loved by the Spirit through the ministry of Spiritual Direction. I have been receiving spiritual direction now for over 12 years and offering it for over 9.

Spiritual Direction has been perhaps the biggest catalyst toward growth, freedom, spiritual awareness and connection in my life. Spiritual Direction has enabled me to better recognize the subtle invitations from God in my life and notice my responses. If you are sensing this inner longing and calling from the Spirit, I invite you to explore the gift of spiritual direction. I welcome you to contact me to share a bit about your journey and to see if you might benefit from spiritual direction with Soul's Sanctuary at this stage of your life.

Contact me for a complementary 30-minute zoom call:

Blessings on your journey,

Carol Mullen

Soul's Sanctuary Spiritual Direction & Coaching

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